2004 Game - FIRST Frenzy: Raising the Bar

Above the player station at each end of the field is a ball holder containing 18 playground balls ready to cascade on the field at the beginning of the game. The field consists of a two level platform topped by a ten foot high chin-up bar fills the middle of the field, vertical goals at either end for scoring, and mobile goals on either side of the platform that correspond to the alliances.

The game begins with fifteen seconds of autonomous operation as robots track field features to try and reach the side of the field. Robots can home in on the infrared beeping at the side of the field to find the bonus ball. Moving this ball triggers the release of 18 more scoring balls onto the field. Robots can also bump and drag mobile goals, moving them to their end of the field and placing them into scoring positions. The robots then gather the small balls from the surface of the field, passing them to human players as quickly as possible. The balls must be passed to the human players through the openings at the corners of the field.

As human players receive the small balls, each worth five points, they can shoot them into either the short or the tall goals on the field to score points. With so many things flying around, robots must be robust to withstand the occasional impact. As the end of the two minute game approaches, robots will grab the double balls on the field and use them to cap their goals. This will double the score of the balls in the goal. As the game winds down, robots will go for the ten foot high chin-up bar and try to pull themselves up and off the ground. Those that do so successfully receive an extra 50 points.

The score is determined by adding up the point value of the balls inside each goal. Goals with caps have doubled point values and an additional 50 points is rewarded to each robot hanging on the bar at the end of the match.