
In order to participate in the FIRST competition, the team must work together throughout the year to raise the necessary funds.

Costs of the FIRST Robotics Competition

Here is an approximate breakdown of the costs of a typical season:

$5000 Regional entry fee and Kit of Parts
$4000 Second Regional entry fee
$3500 Other robot parts and materials
$4000 Travel expenses, lodging, food during travel
$500 Robot shipping costs
$17,000 Total

Past Fundraising Efforts

In the past years, we have come up with many ways to raise money to support our program. Car washes, restaurant fundraisers, and in-school sales are among the many fundraisers we hold each year. Grants from local community foundations that support educational programs have proven to be a substantial source of monetary support.

Partial List of Past Fundraisers and Fundraising Ideas

  • Restaurant fundraisers
  • Candy sales (organized in accordance with school/ASB policy)
  • Teacher car washes
  • Public car washes
  • In-school sale of LED lights and other toys
  • Krispy Kreme donut sales
  • Collecting cans and bottles for recycling
  • T-shirt sales
  • Working at school lunch carts

Fundraising at Farmers' Market
Team 696 hosts a "Drive the Robot" event at the Montrose
Farmers' Market to help raise money for Nationals

Many community businesses local to our team have been more than generous in their support of our organization. Each year, our team organizes students to ask local businesses for their support and assistance. Visit the Past Sponsors link to see a complete list of our past sponsors, and the main page to see our current sponsors.